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Hauling your Apple iMac (or other large device)

Hauling your Apple iMac (or other large device)

by , May 9, 2011

Hauling your Apple iMac (or other large device)

Hauling your iMac

There are times when hauling a 17″ laptop around feels like a prison ball. And yet if you really value your screen size, 17″ can feel like a phone screen. So what do you do if you can’t do without the gloriously large real estate on offer with a 27″ iMac? You pretend it’s a laptop and haul it around as if it were…

We first noticed this when a graphic designer friend started hauling his 27″ around in a duffel bag with a pillow on the base. It turns out he wasn’t the first designer to try this, and so a mini industry is growing up around pixel pushers that don’t like to settle for small.

From the research we’ve done, which isn’t exhaustive by any means, we’ve come across the following, with the Timbag being the one we’d buy if we were in the market. But we haven’t tried any of these yet…

Hauling your Apple iMac (or other large device)

If a maker wants our friend Jimmy to try theirs, then he’s keen as mustard to give a proper one a go. In the meantime, he’ll just keep sliding it onto the pillow and riding home with his 27″ slung inelegantly over his back, hoping the wind doesn’t blow.

But just secretly, who in their right mind would carry something this big around? Especially on a fixie! Chaos.

Here’s a few that we found:

Or you could try this oversized backpack from Rip Curl. It stands at about 4ft high, picture yourself dragging this round. haha
Hauling your Apple iMac (or other large device)

Have you tried one? Do you use one? Any feedback to share?


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