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Dopp Kits w/Baxter of California

Dopp Kits w/Baxter of California

by , May 4, 2012

Dopp Kits w/Baxter of California

Following from our initial foray into Dopp Kits, we thought it might be interesting to ask some questions to both sides of the Dopp Kit fence – a brand who creates them and a brand who creates products for them. First up is a neat little interview with J.P. Mastey below. J.P. is the CEO of Baxter of California. Next week will be the manufacturer’s interview…

Baxter of California provide cutting-edge men’s products that target very specific skincare needs, and improved formulations that combine the trusted traditions of science with fine ingredients from nature.

*What are the essentials someone should look to carry in their Dopp Kit?

Naturally, you do not want to arrive at your destination and find that you forgot a vital product. This is not going to be the same for every guy. Some use contacts, some travel with medication, and these are not easily replaceable. The standard grooming essentials should be a face wash, shave cream, deodorant, hair styling product, shampoo, tooth paste / brush, and moisturizer.  The most important thing is to have a check list so that you don’t forget anything. If you are going to pack a product that you are going to use the day of travel – make sure to leave the Dopp Kit out —  it’s often forgotten because the Dopp Kit is packed and in a suitcase. This has happened to me before, so now I pack my Dopp Kit as close to travel as possible.

*When designing new products, how much research is put into sizing/carry efficiency and use for Dopp Kits? TSA requirements, items fitting into an array of other Dopp Kits, size efficiency when packaged together…

We produce travel size bottles (refillable) that have leak resistance caps and are 2 oz., which fit into the TSA requirement. If it is not a travel size product, we do not put a lot of emphasis on how travel-ready it will be. The focus will be on the container’s primary function, which would be use at the sink or shower, and a capacity that offers value.

*When designing the Dopp Kit for the travel kit what considerations do you have to take onboard? How do these affect your final design? Size? Materials? Organization pockets?

We designed our Dopp bag (the one that comes with the “Travel Kit”) to have a sufficient amount of room to carry the essentials, making sure not to be so large that it takes up more room than it should in a suitcase/bag. We use a material that will not be ruined should it get wet or product on it. This bag is rather simple as it had to be cost effective, but it still has quality construction and components like a YKK zipper.

*How come you don’t sell the Dopp Kit as a standalone item? And will you ever create a range of Dopp Kits?

We are now offering the bag to be sold alone and not part of a kit (this is going to go live in May, 2012). A range of kits is probably not in the cards, but more offerings certainly are. We previously made a limited edition Dopp Kit with PORTER Japan and it was very successful, selling out in a matter of days. Keep your eyes peeled for future launches.

Dopp Kits w/Baxter of California

*What in your opinion makes a good Dopp Kit?

Quality components, durability in contraction, sufficient room without excess, and handsome design.

*Who in your opinion makes the best Dopp Kits today? Why?

Taking the above requirements in mind, we like PORTER Japan, JACK SPADE, BILLY KIRK, and KILLSPENCER.


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