MODALITI Carry Designers
A little while back we covered the Mtn Approach backcountry ski system. The designers behind it were MODALITI, a design consultancy specialising in carry gear from a base in Utah. We thought it would be neat to learn a bit more about them, and so one of their own, Tom Bender, has obliged…
“Carryologists. Greetings to you all! It’s the Modaliti crew shining down upon you in the form of an introduction and sampling of our creative talents.
Who are we? Well sit back and relax, let me fill you in on all of our little secrets…
Modaliti design has been around 13 years and in that time has taken a few different faces, all the while remaining at our home base here in Salt Lake City, Utah. What began as an engineering firm, quickly transitioned to a strictly industrial design and development firm. Don’t let that fool you, our resources are deep and we have a handful of strong engineers in our back pockets.
As a consultancy we are well rounded but what we seem to have found our niche in, is the soft-goods field. Packs of all shapes and sizes and footwear of the same, fuel and drive our daily habits and interests.
Currently, within our Sugarhouse studio we have 4 strapping lads (including myself, although I’m not that strapping) of varying abilities and strengths, all which complement each other nicely. Jokes and a good times seem to run high even when projects are nearing an end (read: stressful). Daily, our focus revolves around a bag or footwear project, and/or what’s for lunch or if we are going to BBQ.
So now that you have gotten a brief lowdown on us, what makes us so special to be here on Carryology?! Well, I think it’s safe to say we have some serious experience when it comes to designing and developing packs. Our more recent pack, highlighted here, was designed and developed for MTN Approach. Cory Smith came to us with the need to be able to have his approach skis fit in a technical, functional and cool bag and we delivered.
First designs were sketched in mid-April and after 3 sample packs from our factory, Cory had his first production run at the end of November. Being avid mountain people it was great to design and develop a pack that we would use. We’ve also done a slew of other packs that range from fashion, the brand Kensington, concepts for Nike, to dogs (literally), Ruffwear, and to other technical packs from MountainSmith. We don’t limit ourselves as every project adds to our knowledge base and can be applied across the pack market.
I could go on and on for hours about our design versus theirs but I’ll save it for another post. Light, interesting and to the point. There are a lot of designers out there and we’re happy to have a place in the soft-goods scene, that, and here on Carryology!
For more reading check out the Modaliti website, , or on the ol’ FB. “