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GORUCK Trek :: The World of Spies

GORUCK Trek :: The World of Spies

by , April 7, 2014

Thanks to Hollywood we’ve all, at one stage in our lives, dreamed about living the spy life. You know, all of the cliches: fast cars, even faster women, high stakes baccarat, evil villains, khaki trench coats and intel traded under street lights somewhere slumped in the Eastern Bloc. Although in reality, our chances of playing spy aren’t exactly popping up like organic burger joints and the real ‘business’ of spycraft is shrouded in mystery or reimagined on fluffy TV sitcoms – until now.


Introducing the GORUCK Trek: our chance to get a taste of the underworld of spies and its operators.

What is it?

A 3-day adventure where participants will learn essential spycraft, mission planning skills and “enter GORUCK’s Alternate Reality Environment (ARE) to complete a ‘top secret’ mission.” Their Cadre (training officers) will design unique ARE scenarios based on their undercover and combat experiences serving the US at home and abroad.



Who are these guys?

Stone-faced dudes with “extensive Special Operations, Intelligence, and Law Enforcement backgrounds cultivated from years serving as Army Special Forces soldiers, CIA case officers, FBI special agents, Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, Law Enforcement officers, and operators from various Special Mission Units”. And collectively, they’ve hit nearly every hotspot in the world “to dine with warlords and diplomats alike” and they know what it takes to get the job done.

What will you learn?

You’ll develop and maintain an undercover alias, plan and execute a clandestine operation and plunge into the ARE scenarios, which may include: security checkpoints, live role-playing exercises, cache retrieval, interrogations, escape and evasion and information gathering and dissemination.


– Learn how to manage risk in crisis situations

– Apply leadership lessons from a military decision-making model to your personal and professional life

– Gain confidence in decision-making under stress

– Learn to embrace adversity while maintaining a smile

– Gain real world situational awareness that can be used to protect you and your family

If you’re interested, it’s open to anyone who’s keen to get spy-ish. 

How do you disappear and do the coolest thing that never happened to you? Click here



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