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Carry Giveaway

Carryology Giveaway!

by , December 3, 2012

Carryology Giveaway!

Everyone likes a giveaway, and while we try to keep them to a minimum we do allow exceptions for special occasions. It’s Xmas, we all dig The Property Of… and it’s sunny outside. That’s three reason’s right there on why we should do this… You ready for another giveaway?

What’s on offer?  The Property Of… has given us 2 Tommy Laptop & 2 Tommy Work Bags to give away here on Carryology. Not bad huh?!

How to win it? Easy, real easy. Sign up to the newsletter form below where you will be automatically signed up to both the Carryology and The Property Of… lists, and we will pick out a random name from the list. Can’t get easier than that right?  (pssst, you might want to check the Carryology facey page too – that is, if you want to double up on your chances 😉 )

Time balance? We’ll give it three days. It’s Monday now, so think Wednesday evening Daylight Savings Time Melbourne, Australia. You can keep signing up to the newsletter after that though if you desire some amazing carry information delivered to your inbox on a semi-regular basis ;)

Cool? Hope you’re amped. We’ve got one more giveaway for the year and that’ll be it for a while. So best to get involved in this one while’s it up and running..

Win a Property Of…. Tommy Bag!

* indicates required

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