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5 Minutes with

5 Minutes with RAWROW

5 Minutes with RAWROW

by , July 24, 2014

Advocating the principle of less but better, Korean-based brand RAWROW creates carry that is stripped back, functional and understately elegant. RAWROW’s designer Kyu-Hyun Lee, aka Q, shares his insights on the brand’s design motivations and gives us a peek into his EDC…

What key insights drive your stuff?

‘The bag that is more like a bag’. The essence of a bag is 1) to put something in, 2) to protect (organize), 3) to carry (fasten). Our backpacks are made faithfully to these three principles. As you can see from the brand name, it was designed with a ‘raw’ concept, based on the shape of a classic cradle, and the functions also have ‘Whatever you want’ as a motto, so that usage isn’t restricted to just a bag but rather the user may use it as a backpack or a briefcase according to his or her situation. Also, aging materials were used so that the bag would become your own bag as it acquires the experience of the user with the passage of time.


Who else is doing rad things in the world of carry and why do you think they’re important?

FREITAG. Other than making bags near perfect, the value of recycling is highlighted as a perfect philosophy in product, company, shop, package, image and experience. Sustaining clear objectives and principles, not influenced by trends. The value proposed by them is not only for their own sake, but also for everyone’s sake.RAMROW7

What’s next for you guys?

I want to keep finding out prototypes of bags, shoes, caps and bikes and also just eliminate unnecessary decorations from all products.


What do you carry daily?

Of course, I carry a lot of what I’ve designed; it’s always good to test your own product. But here’s the list (below):


1.     RAWROW R Bag 

2.     RAWROW R Pocket

3.     Super sunglasses

4.     Korean passport

5.     MUJI mobile devices charger 

6.     MUJI pencil case

7.     Apple Earpod

8.     Apple iPhone 5s

9.     Apple mouse

10.   Bauhaus book

11.   RAWROW Key holder

12.   RAWROW R Wallet

13.   RAWROW R Clutch

14.   Apple MacBook 13″

15.   Moleskine notebook




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