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5 Minutes With Kempton & Co.

5 Minutes With Kempton & Co.

by , November 14, 2012

5 Minutes With Kempton & Co.

Our friends over at Roztayger put us onto Kempton a while back, so we got busy and organised a quick 5mins…

Definitely one for the ladies (though there are a couple of products for men), our latest question time in our 5 Minutes With series provides insight into tech-friendly handbag brand Kempton & Co., courtesy of founder Fiona Kempton…

5 Minutes With Kempton & Co.

1 – What key insights drive your stuff?

The need to reduce my luggage and integrate a laptop case or iPad case within my handbag led to the creation of my brand Kempton & Co. Traveling so much as a designer for other brands before I officially launched my own line, and dealing with airport security multiple times in a week drove the need for this as well as not finding anything on the market offering style and this function. So I made my own.

5 Minutes With Kempton & Co.

2 – Who else is doing rad things in the world of carry and why do you think they’re important?

Lipault do fantastic lightweight stowable suitcases. So featherweight so you don’t use up your weight allowance on a flight.

5 Minutes With Kempton & Co.

3 – Are there any things other brands do that you think are great or could be improved?

RRL and Belstaff do great heritage-inspired bags – they look like the real vintage thing but I just don’t think they are practical for the modern world or for women – difficult openings, too heavy, stiff leather etc. Aesthetically beautiful, just not so functional.

5 Minutes With Kempton & Co.

4 – What’s next for you guys?

For 2013 a store opening in Red Hook, Brooklyn. This is where we have our studio so looking to expand our office space and include some retail, street level exposure where we are based.

5 Minutes With Kempton & Co.

5 – What do you carry daily and how?

An iPad and/or a MacBook Air and of course it goes in a Kempton & Co. bag. Right now my favorites are the Windbourne and Seagram bags.

5 Minutes With Kempton & Co.

5 Minutes With Kempton & Co.


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