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Mega Dangler Carryology Group Buy!

Well, you all asked for it demanded it, and we listened.

Munroe Mega Dangler 2

After we posted up the our EDC Keys posts (1, 2, and 3), we received an overwhelming amount of reader messages and comments regarding how to order the Mega Dangler from Munroe Knives.  We’ve been trying to find ways to thank all of our amazing readers, we figured this would be a great method.  So we took action.

We got in touch with Jana over at Munroe Knives, and with their generous help, we worked out a special treat for all of our Carryology readers.  We present to you, the Mega Dangler Carryology Group Buy!

As you may recall from our first EDC Keys post, the cost of one of these handmade titanium pocket tool key hangers costs $59 (plus S&H, only $3 in the USA).  A steal if you ask me.  That is, if you’re lucky enough to be able to find one.

Munroe Mega Dangler 5

Munroe Knives has agreed to offer 25% off, available only to Carryology readers in a massive group buy.
That brings the price down to a insanely low $44.25
This pricing is for the original stonewashed raw titanium finish option.
Custom color anodizing is also available, and will be an additional $3 per unit (bronze, blue, pink, gold, purple, green).  You’ll specify this when ordering.
Ships standard with (1) 6mm x 12mm oval split ring, (1) #7 round split ring and (1) #7 o-ring.
Shipping is $3 USPS First Class S&H in the USA… and the same price for INTERNATIONAL ORDERS!
Limit of ONE Mega Dangler per order.  Sorry, the demand is just too high and we want everyone to get the chance to own one of these 6AL4V titanium gems.
This is also the first time Munroe Knives has offered such a killer discount on their Mega Dangler, so we’re pretty excited.


How do you take part in the Group Buy and receive the 25% off discount?
Carefully follow these instructions below…

1) Sign up for the Carryology newsletter HERE Too late sorry, we’ve shut it off.  (You have until Thursday March 21st at 2pm CST to sign up.  After that it will be too late to sign up to participate.  Don’t worry, if you’re already signed up, there is no need to sign up again!)

2) Then, we will send an email to all of our newsletter subscribers on Friday March 22nd at 2pm CST with specific instructions on how to place your order.  This deal will only be available to the first 100 people who follow the very simple order instructions contained in this email.


Simple as that.
But don’t hesitate, once the newsletter sign up date has been met, you won’t be able to get access to the order instructions.  And once you receive the order instructions, the deal will only be available to the first 100 people who follow the instructions.  We couldn’t make it too easy now, could we?  This is mainly because Deryk and Jana are only two people and these Mega Danglers are painstakingly crafted by hand in small batches.  100 of these Mega Danglers is already a very tall order.

Good luck!  And THANK YOU Munroe Knives!

Munroe Mega Dangler for Carryology


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