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HÆRFEST | Collection B

HÆRFEST | Collection B

by , September 14, 2011

HÆRFEST | Collection B

HÆRFEST | Collection B

HÆRFEST were nice enough to share some images with us from their latest collection, due for release early next year. Titled ‘Collection B’, the new collection see’s the introduction of a couple new pieces – an additional backpack, duffle and neat looking tote. These new pieces sit alongside the popular A1 from their debut collection last year.

HÆRFEST | Collection B

Keeping with a unique aesthetic, HÆRFEST continue to impress with their ability to create understated products that are familiar yet unexpected. The newly added backpack, the B5, is a little larger then it’s older brother  the A1 (which is now known as the B1 with it’s new colors) but it keeps that real interesting strap set up on the back.

HÆRFEST | Collection B

The duffle is rad, maybe it’s cause I have a bag crush on duffle’s right now, either way this one is real nice. Nice structure and a strap set up that gives support the entire way around the bag (the straps run under the bag). The tote, well if your a tote fan you going to love it. Clean, simple and nice.

HÆRFEST | Collection B

Just noticed the range is up online at the HÆRFEST site if you want a more in depth look at the collection. Would be neat to hear you thoughts on it…

HÆRFEST | Collection B

HÆRFEST | Collection B

HÆRFEST | Collection B


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